Application Procedure
Application has to be filled up ONLINE as follows
Go to a nearest test centre (A list of test centers all over INDIA are available in or click on NATA Test Centers in India) and give them the following documents to register for the NATA Exams.
Application is to be filled up online at the nata portal of
Candidates need to visit the portal and click the requisite link online application NATA– 2023 and thereafter will be directed to the actual application form. The form is interactive in nature and the fields required to be filled up are categorized in different sub-sections. The fields super-scribed with * must be filled up as they are mandatory, otherwise the application will not get submitted.
The application form is broadly categorized into three steps: filling of personal details; document uploading & fee payment. Please see
for detailed guidelines on fields to be entered at the time of online form filling.Candidates need to fill in the first part i.e. Personal details and will thereafter be directed to document uploading. Once the documents are successfully uploaded, the system enters into the fee payment. Finally, the candidate must take a printout of confirmation page generated upon successful fee payment for their own record.
There is no need to send any document by post.
Document | Storage Size | Image Dimesnion | ||
Maximum | Minimum | Height | Width | |
Photograph | 4 KB | 100 KB | 4.5 cm | 3.5 cm |
Signature | 1 KB | 30 KB | 1.5 cm | 3.5 cm |
Our Winners

SreeKutty .S.L

Ajith Kumar .T

Jilbin Lejo G.S

Manju .G