How well do we mould our students of Architecture for a very difficult future in practice?
The state of individual status of learning is underlined in the relationship between information, knowledge and understanding.
The idea is to explore teaching that engages students’ active contribution throughout practice-based learning in the design studio, exploit innovative techniques and tools and nurtures further than curricular knowledge creation and to promote students to recognize real-life opportunities, in which they can act confidently and creatively, to open up their future career corridors.
Education suffers from the continuing gap between theoretical knowledge provided by the trainers and the practical competencies students entail to build up in their future professional practice.
As Jeremy Till suggests: “practice has the raw data on which architectural knowledge is founded"(Till, 2005)
We hold this concept to have enhanced probability to augment student’s inspiration in learning through the design studios that exhibit explorative ways of learning-by-doing, more specifically learning-by-making since “making” symbolize the “thinking process” thus to make in order to think involves observation, imagination, execution and strengthens student’s ability to think creatively to develop innovative solutions; furthermore using cutting-edge technologies students are trained to develop their cognitive ability through learning-by-digital-making.