Visualizing and drawing the effects of light on the object and shadows cast on surroundings.
Sense of perspective drawing.
Combining and composing given three dimensional elements to form a building or structural form.
Creating interesting two dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.
Creating visual harmony using colors in given composition.
Understanding of scale and proportions
Drawing from memory through pencil sketch on themes
Fundamentals of Art, Architecture and Design
Elements and Principles of Art, Design and its Application
Visualizing 2D-3D Geometry
Visualization of 3D Objects
Rendering Techniques.
Memory Drawing
Indoor and Outdoor Sketching
Spatial Orientation
Comparative Relation
Scale and Proportion
Flora and Fauna
Color Perception
Visual Perception
Observational Skills
Innovative Presentation
Creative Writing
Logic and Ordering Principles
Creative Presentation of ideas
Aesthetic Sensitivity Test (online test) Contents - all the topics mentioned will be taught in the class and for online practice mock test papers will be provided
Architectural Awareness.
Architectural Terminologies.
Identifying Commonly Used Materials and Objects based on their Textual Qualities and Color.
Architects and their Work.
Visualizing three dimensional objects from two dimensional drawings.
Visualizing different sides of three dimensional objects
Analytical Reasoning
Mental Ability
Imaginative Comprehension and Expression
Electrostatics- Electric charges and Fields; Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
Current Electricity; Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism; Moving Charges and magnetism; Magnetism and Matter
Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating currents- Electromagnetic Induction; Alternating Current
Optics- Ray optics and optical instruments, Wave Optics
Dual nature of radiation and Matter
Atoms and Nuclei- Atoms, Nuclei
Electronic devices- Semiconductor Electronics, Materials, Devices and Simple circuits
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry; Structure of Atom; Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Chemical Bonding and Molecular; States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
Chemical Thermodynamics; Equilibrium; Redox Reactions; Hydrogen; s- Block Elements p -Block Elements
Organic Chemistry: Some basic Principles and Techniques; Hydrocarbons; Environmental Chemistry